School Policies

Age Criteria

Students must be the age of the designated class by September 1st of the school year. For example, a child turning 3 on August 30 will be in the Three’s class; a child turning 3 on September 2 will be in the Two’s class.


Children must be up-to-date on all immunizations to be enrolled at St. Francis. There are no exceptions. Parents are asked to keep their student’s file updated with any shots received during their enrollment.


Prescribed medication may be administered with a signed Medication Authorization form that is available in the office. The form must be complete and turned in by a parent with the medication in its original packaging. Over-the-counter medication will not be allowed without a doctor’s authorization. DO NOT SEND MEDICINE to school in a child’s backpack.

Sick Policy

Students must be fever free (without fever medication) and symptom free for at least 24 hours before they can return to school.

Late Pick-Up Policies

Dismissal begins at 12:15 pm for half-day, or/2:15 pm for extended-day. Please make every effort to be prompt in picking up your child. Young children may become anxious when they are not picked up on time. If an emergency arises that will cause a parent to be late picking up their child, we ask that the parent notify the office as soon as possible. A $1 per minute late fee will be charged if a parent has not arrived by 12:30 half day/ 2:30 extended day pick up time. If the office is NOT notified, the parent may be subject to an additional $25 late fee assessed on top of the $1 per minute late fee rate.

Tuition Payments

Families may set up a payment schedule that best suits them using our financial form. Payments on a monthly schedule will be subject to a late fee of $25 if paid after the 10th of each month. Return checks will be charged a $25 fee.

Early Withdrawal

If a student will no longer be able to attend St. Francis, the school will need 30 days written notice.  Parents are responsible for tuition payments through the 30-day notice notification time period. If a 30-day written notice notification is not provided, then full tuition payment is required.

Severe Weather

For severe weather, St. Francis follows Temple and Belton public schools’ policies regarding severe weather. If TISD or BISD is closed or delayed, St. Francis will be closed for the day.

Click here to go to TISDs website for their closure status, and click here for BISDs closure status. Their status will be posted on the main page.