Pay Tuition

Monthly Tuition Statements

Statements for Each Month – Statements for each month’s tuition will be posted to HeadMaster Online on the first of each month. Use your sign on information to see your statement for tuition plus any Early Bird Charges and/or Extended Day fees. Statements will not be emailed or sent home with your child each month.

How to Pay Tuition

Option 1 – Preferred Method: Cash/Check

  • Please send cash or check by the 10th of each month. You may either send it in your child’s folder or deliver it to the office after drop-off or before pick-up.

Option 2 –  Credit Card 

  • Sign in to pay by Credit Card through Headmaster Online above.
  • Monthly payments for the school year need to be made by the 10th of each month and all outstanding balances must be paid no later than April 10th, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Barton @ 254-773-3009 or